Human Factors & Ergonomics@ COSHaW

    This unit has formed based on five (5) pillars of practice as  follows: 
    1. Assessment (Penilaian) 
    2. Intervention (Perawatan) 
    3. Prevention (Pencegahan) 
    4. Education (Pendidikan) 
    5. Promotion (Promosi).
    1.Apply the concepts and theories of ergonomics which related to human-machine-environment interactions. 
    2.Use ergonomics approach to assess hazards available in a workplace. 
    3.Discuss the use of ergonomics with peers and team members in the UCS community. 
    4.Promote safety practice at workplace and community.
    1. Apply appropriate ergonomics solution for related work-system and  hazard. 
    2. To assist employers to ensure a healthier working environment, HFE  unit under COSHaW UCS will conduct ergonomics risk assessment  services include: 
    • Initial Workplace Ergonomics Risk Assessment (Initial WERA) 
    • Advance Workplace Ergonomics Risk Assessment (Advanced WERA) 
    • Workplace Ergonomics Awareness Training Programme 
    • Any other Workplace Ergonomics related matters.

    Pusat Keselamatan, Kesihatan Pekerjaan dan Kesejahteraan
    Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Selangor
    Kampus Puncak Alam, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
    Selangor, Malaysia.

    Tel: +603-3258 7 223 / 224
    Fax: +603-3258 4019